Insomnia and Sleep Problems
Dr. Rajsree looks for root causes of sleep problems. Please watch her animated video to learn more about her approach to sleep problems and to learn 17 natural tips for better sleep.
H. pylori Did you know that over half the world’s population is infected with H. pylori? H. pylori is a very unique bacteria with the ability to withstand and survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach. It can colonize a host stomach for decades leading to low grade chronic inflammation. It’s a leading cause of […]
Osteoperosis and Bone Health
Osteoperosis and osteopenia are extremely common in women as they age. This is a multi-factorial metabolic disorder of the bone. Is there inflammation in your body that is causing accelerated bone loss? Dr. Rajsree offers a holistic protocol that evaluates and treats your nutritional status including key minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy bones. Is […]
Hair Loss
One of the most common symptoms I see in both men and women of all ages is hair loss. I think of hair loss as an outward symptom of some underlying imbalance in the body. Having a full head of thick hair is often a sign of good health! So if you are losing hair, we need to […]
Breast Cancer Prevention Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, affecting 1 in 8 women. There are so many factors that contribute to a women’s chances of developing breast cancer. In this diagram, I’ve outlined some of the key factors that may influence a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. Regardless of […]
DO YOU HAVE SIBO? SIBO Treatment by Dr. Rajsree Nambudripad Struggling with chronic bloating, gas, or IBS symptoms? Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) may be the root cause. Dr. Rajsree Nambudripad, MD, is a recognized leader and pioneer in SIBO treatment. With years of experience treating thousands of patients as well as personally overcoming SIBO, she has developed a highly […]
Genetic Testing “Genetics load the gun. Environment pulls the trigger.” Find out if your genes are contributing to your symptoms! Common symptoms like depression, anxiety, struggle with weight, fatigue, fibromyalgia, estrogen dominance (fibroids, endometriosis, irregular cycles) are associated with certain genes like MTHFR or COMT. Dr. Rajsree specializes in genetic testing using 23andMe and Pure Genomics. […]
Osteoperosis and Bone Health
Let’s talk about HEALTHY BONES! Strong and healthy bones are essential to healthy aging. We all want to be able to run, jump, lift, and summersault into our 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond. These are the top ways to protect and improve your bone density: 1) Vitamin D3 with K2. Let’s get your vitamin D […]
Heart Disease Prevention and Treatment Are you worried about a strong family history of heart disease? Or perhaps your cholesterol is high and you’re not sure what to do? Dr. Rajsree’s expertise is in evaluating your entire history, lifestyle, risk factors, family history, and laboratory markers to provide a comprehensive assessment of how best to proceed. Dr. Rajsree checks […]
Vitamin Injections
We offer B 12 (methylcobalamin) shots which can help tremendously with energy, mood, and sugar/carb cravings! They have become extremely popular in our office and are now called the “happy shot.” For many patients, absorption of B vitamins is not great through the gut, so the shots make a HUGE difference! If you are feeling […]