Dear Friends,
I’m excited to share another fun, animated video, this time on the exciting topic of LEAKY GUT! In this video I explain:
How leaky gut can affect your whole body and cause autoimmune diseases as well as symptoms such as brain fog, joint pain, migraines, rashes, and allergies.
What are the top causes of leaky gut?
How can we diagnose leaky gut and evaluate your microbiome?
My 5 step protocol to healing leaky gut.
Finally, a fascinating case example of a patient who reversed their symptoms after healing leaky gut.
Remember, Healthy Gut = Healthy Body, so healing the gut is so important to your overall health!
I’d love to hear from you, so please post your questions and comments!
Please share this exciting knowledge with your friends and family, and SUBSCRIBE! Thank you for helping me grow my channel!
Warm regards,
Rajsree Nambudripad, MD