
1440 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 105
Fullerton, CA 92835

Dear Friends,

I’m overjoyed to share with you some exciting news! 🎉 Thanks to your support, my YouTube Channel has just reached the incredible milestone of 1 million subscribers from around the globe! 🌎 Each one of you has contributed to the rapid growth of the channel through your likes, comments, questions, shares, and messages of support. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for all your love and encouragement. 🙏

As I reflect on this milestone, one that I never imagined I would reach, I’m reminded of the beginning of my journey in patient education. In 2018, I started giving health talks at Mother’s Market, a local health food store, where I stood in the corner of the café with a rented microphone and speaker. It was there that I first met many of you, my current patients, forming meaningful relationships that have grown over time.

In 2019, I had the honor of speaking before a larger audience and giving several lectures at St. Jude Wellness Center. Thanks to a suggestion from a patient, I had the lectures recorded. My wonderful husband then helped me to upload these videos, which marked the birth of my channel!

The pandemic of 2020 was a difficult time of isolation for all of us. During those quiet weekends, I decided to explore video creation from home. Although I had never done any video editing before, I decided to tackle one video project at a time. It gave me a reason to rise early every morning, because I always had an exciting project I was working on. The joy of sharing each completed video with all of you kept me motivated day after day.

My mission is to help people understand the root causes of health issues and how to effectively overcome disease through personalized, holistic strategies. This means looking at how your diet, lifestyle, environment, and even emotional well-being contribute to your overall health. This is the power of integrative and functional medicine. I am committed to bringing you the latest research, practical tips, and inspirational stories to help you on your journey to optimal health.

My deepest gratitude goes to everyone who has supported me on this journey—my devoted husband, wonderful son, supportive parents and in-laws, dear friends, dedicated employees, and loyal patients. Additionally, the support I’ve received from people across the globe has been incredibly powerful. Each comment from someone in South Africa🇿🇦, Australia🇦🇺, India🇮🇳, and other corners of the world means so much to me.

My hope is to continue sharing knowledge and inspiration through videos! I am always happy and eager to hear from YOU! What topics would you like to see in the future? Let’s continue to expand our library of videos for people around the world!

With gratitude,

Rajsree Nambudripad, MD