
1440 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 105
Fullerton, CA 92835

Dear Friends,

Thank you to all who joined me this Wednesday for my Zoom Lecture on Migraine Headaches!  The great news is that it was recorded!  You can watch it on my YouTube channel at your convenience.  In this lecture, I cover:

1:02 What are Migraines?
4:45 Common Migraine Triggers
6:44 Food Triggers
8:02 MSG
8:31 Tyramines in Wines and Cheese
10:04 Chocolate
10:28 Case Example #1 John — Debilitating Migraines
15:08 Migraines and Histamines
15:56 Fermented Foods and Migraines
16:48 Migraines and Hormones
18:01 Case Example #2 — Jane with Hormone-related Migraines
19:10 Estrogen Dominance
21:48 Synthetic Hormones
22:32 MTHFR gene and Migraines with Aura
23:50 Key Lab Tests
26:24 GI Symptoms and Gut Microbiome
26:56 Gut-Brain Axis
28:55 Diet for Migraines
30:52 Supplements for Migraines
34:58 Natural Ways to Prevent Migraines
37:07 Natural Ways to Abort Migraines

I’d love to hear from you, so please post your questions and comments!

Please share this video with your friends and family, and SUBSCRIBE.

Warm regards,  

Rajsree Nambudripad, MD